What do you need?

Significant, sustained impact on business outcomes is determined by four elements.  It’s critical to get each of them right and working in harmony with each other:

Sokrates Partners is providing support on all of these elements, with emphasis where it is needed for each group – whether that is organization design, one-to-one coaching, workshops to build high-performance teams or carefully structured culture transformations.

Organization Transformation

The organization structure should be fit for purpose (aligned with strategy), transparent, as simple as possible, flexible and scalable, with clear roles and responsibilities.

Our core beliefs on effective organization transformation include:

Culture Change

The organization’s culture –its values, norms, and behavioral expectations and patterns – must be aligned to its business goals

Our core beliefs on culture and culture change include:

Leadership Effectiveness

The right leaders, with the needed expertise and skills, must be in the right places

Our core beliefs on building strategic capabilities include:

Team Effectiveness

Collectively, the leaders must function as a high-performing team, with a shared vision and the ability to leverage each other’s expertise to accomplish far more together than they could individually.

Our core beliefs on team performance include:

Commercial Effectiveness

Some of our core beliefs on commercial success:

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